
Product information

Our rescue post for quays is a complete set of lifesaving equipment especially developed for quays. It consists of a pole (3 meters), fittings, type approved rescue ladder (4 meters), a rescue hook with flag, a life buoy and a reflective position sign. It is also possible to add a fire extinguisher cabinet.
The rescue ladder is four meters in length to ensure it reaches the water from high quays. It’s equipped with
hitch hooks and spacer pads and is type approved by the Swedish state test facility as rescue ladder according to the regulations of the Swedish work environment authority and the EU (AFS 2004:3, EN 131).
Shore Safetys lifesaving equipment meet the requirements of the Swedish Civil Protection and Emergency Agency (MSB).

Product information

“Where there is a need for life saving equipment, there should be lifebuoys available. Fixed ladders or stairs should be available if it is difficult to come out of the water in another way. At high quays, where it is difficult to reach a distressed from land or where there is deep water directly at land or dock, there should also be rescue hooks and rescue ladders available.”
(SRVFS 2007:5)
Read more in SRVFS 2007:5
Read more about legal requirements

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